What is Baby Blues Syndrome? What difference is With Postpartum Depression?

Blues Baby Syndrome, or often also called Postpartum Distress Syndrome is feeling sad and upset experienced by approximately 50-80% of women after giving birth to her baby.

Strange indeed ... feeling happy looking forward to the birth of the baby, turned out in some mothers can turn into depression after the birth of a baby.

Blues Baby Syndrome is still relatively mild and usually lasts up to 2 weeks. If you experience more than 2 weeks, it could be a Postpartum Depression and you should consult with your doctor ...

Some symptoms of Blues Baby Syndrome Cases:

  • Crying for no apparent reason
  • Easily annoyed
  • Tired
  • Anxious
  • Impatient
  • Reluctant to pay attention to the baby
  • Not confident
  • It's hard to rest in peace
  • Touchy

If after delivery you are experiencing a variety of conditions and feelings of the above, then most likely you're hit by Baby Blues Syndrome ...

What difference with Baby Blues Postpartum Depression Syndrome?

The difference lies both in frequency, intensity, and duration of ongoing symptoms above. In Postpartum Depression, you will feel the symptoms are more frequent, more intense, and longer.

How do I tell?

Actually it's easy. One way is to pay attention to the mother's sleep patterns. If when there is someone else look after the baby, the mother could sleep, then it is probable that the mother suffered only Blues Baby Syndrome (BBS). But if the mother is very difficult to fall asleep while the baby is maintained by someone else, then maybe the level of depression was included in the Postpartum Depression (PPD).

Some Symptoms of Postpartum Depression:

  • Fast furious
  • Confused
  • Easy to panic
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Changes in eating and sleeping patterns
  • There is a feeling of fear could hurt her baby
  • There is a feeling of worry could not properly care for her baby
  • Arises the feeling that he could not be a good mother

PPD can last up to 1 year after the birth of a baby ...

In cases of acute PPD, the mother could have committed suicide or hurt her own baby ...

What causes PPD?

Although up to this writing no one knows the exact cause of PPD, but the following factors seem very influential:

  • Changes in the mother's hormones
  • The pressure becomes new mother
  • There is a family history associated with depression
  • Lack of assistance when giving birth
  • Feeling isolated
  • Fatigue

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