My Baby if sleep day or night is often surprised

Question : My baby is 5 months old and his weight 5.5, if sleep day or night is often surprised , even though the house calm and not noisy. What about the cause?

Answer :

Relax your baby is normal .. that the motion was surprised it was your baby's reflexes are developing muscles and nerves to move, usually occurs in sleep phase.

While this baby twitch often cause concern to parents, but the doctors would only worry if they do not see it. Newborns are routinely going to get this reflex examination. The existence of this reflex would be a sign that degan nervous system functioning properly. You will find that this reflex will be less and less and eventually disappeared altogether between four and six months. (Of course, your baby may be surprised at all ages, but degan twitch a different pattern.) :-)

Including restless sleep, chances are your baby is too much play or stimulation of people around to play, especially when playing before bedtime, this will be carried on while sleeping .. its memory, and cause restless sleep ..

When you are still burping your baby spit up is possible glut. You should feed your baby is not OLD .. OFTEN Or have you ever replace the bottle-feeding a baby? So maybe your baby does not fit with sufornya

So should you give milk, the milk that was hanging with our mindset. If in your mind inculcated the message that "I must have enough milk for my baby!", That's what will happen .. otherwise in our minds there is ongoing concern, "Oh, my breast milk very little, it seems not enough" yes the same will happen .. ;-)

breast milk is the law of supply and demand. more and more fed and pumped will
more and more productive ..

Your baby's weight is somewhat less ideally 6.5 to 6.9 kg, but you do not worry if your baby is not fussy and still want to breastfeed ..

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