Combine Breast Milk To Formula Milk Will Effect Negative ?

My baby is 2.5 months old, now I give a combination of breast milk and infant formula milk on me because my milk is not adequate, perhaps because of mistakes early after giving birth more milk formula that I give. I actually wanted to give exclusive breastfeeding and the various ways I have done a lot for my milk, and lastly I give frequent and breast milk to formula milk but my baby is consequently less sleep during the day, could not sleep soundly. Does it matter?


Indeed, both the baby to sleep soundly at night ..
You want to do something that could affect sleep patterns? Remember, the newborn has not been able to distinguish between day and night, and Breastfeed every 3 or 4 hours. You can teach it that night is the time to sleep, when the baby is given breast milk, Breastfeed him more time before bedtime to prevent waking because of hunger.

Most babies will sleep anywhere when feeling tired, so do your best to avoid bright rays and the sound of blasting around the babies were napping.

At age 4 months, usually sleep patterns begin to form or have certain sleep rhythms such as sleep in the morning,
noon, and night. The age of 9 months, another rhythm. At this age, babies usually are familiar with people, crawl and explore their environment, to begin to disturbed sleep patterns.

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