Breastfeeding Baby Twins

You recently gave birth to twins? Congratulations ya!

Well, here we write down five important things that are frequently asked by parents related to nursing twins ...

Yes, your milk Enough!

In theory, your milk production is influenced by the "demand". If you have 3 babies too, God willing, your milk production will follow the request of three ... However, you still have to memngkonsumsi nutritious foods - protein, fruits and vegetables. You also need a fluid intake of calories and more than mothers who breast-feeding a baby.

Feed They Simultaneously

Most experts recommend that you breastfeed your twins simultaneously. If not, you can imagine how tired if others should breastfeed your baby after feeding the first! There are 2 positions that are often used to do this:

- The position under the armpit

- Position swing

You can breastfeed them both by holding each in your armpit, with a little baby upright position. Use a pillow to help. Or, you can also feeding them with positions such as swing, where the baby's position is more horizontal and they intersect each other. Sometimes there are mothers who combine both positions. What is clear, find a comfortable for you and them ...

Breastfeed your baby turns

Breastfeed your baby turns, do not allow them to suckle from the breast side of it-that continues. It is intended to balance breastfeeding for both your baby, while balancing both breast milk production. If for example one of the twins you stronger feeding, by rotating like this, your milk production will be balanced.

Help with Milk Formula If Necessary

This is necessary, especially if you have twin 3 or more. If you have twins three for example, then you can nurse them simultaneously with a way to provide milk to the 2 and give formula at the same time on the other. Continue turns "ration" the three, so that every baby get a lot of milk and some infant formulas.

Help Others

You will be very tired in the first weeks after the birth of twins. Therefore, involve the people closest to you to help your job, what they could. For example, you can pump your milk and store it in the refrigerator. Every time your baby is awake at night, you can ask for help your husband or other family members to give it to the little guy.

Success so caring for the twins!

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