Pregnancy and prenatal care go hand in hand, even as your due date approaches. During the third trimester, prenatal care includes vaginal exams to check the baby's position.
Prenatal care continues until delivery. Your health care provider will continue to monitor your blood pressure and weight, as well as your baby's heartbeat and movements. During the last month of pregnancy, expect weekly checkups.
Testing for group B strep
Most pregnant women are screened for group B streptococcus (GBS) during the third trimester. GBS is a common bacterium that's usually harmless in adults — but babies who become infected with GBS can become critically ill. If a swab from your vagina and rectal area tests positive for GBS, you'll probably be given intravenous antibiotics during labor to protect your baby from the bacterium.
Prenatal care: What to expect during the third trimester
Pregnancy and prenatal care go hand in hand, even as your due date approaches. During the third trimester, prenatal care includes vaginal exams to check the baby's position.
Prenatal care continues until delivery. Your health care provider will continue to monitor your blood pressure and weight, as well as your baby's heartbeat and movements. During the last month of pregnancy, expect weekly checkups.
Testing for group B strep
Most pregnant women are screened for group B streptococcus (GBS) during the third trimester. GBS is a common bacterium that's usually harmless in adults — but babies who become infected with GBS can become critically ill. If a swab from your vagina and rectal area tests positive for GBS, you'll probably be given intravenous antibiotics during labor to protect your baby from the bacterium.
Resuming vaginal exams
As your due date approaches, your checkups may include vaginal exams. Your health care provider may:
- Check the baby's position. During a vaginal exam, your health care provider can feel your baby's head in your lower abdomen or at the top of the birth canal. If your baby is positioned headfirst, you're good to go. If your baby is positioned rump-first or feet-first (breech), your health care provider may recommend trying to turn the baby by applying pressure to your abdomen. This procedure is called an external version. If your baby remains in a breech position, you may need a C-section delivery.
Detect cervical changes. As your body prepares for birth, your cervix will begin to soften, open (dilate) and thin (efface). Progress is expressed in centimeters (cm) and percentages. For example, your cervix may be 3 cm dilated and 30 percent effaced. When you're ready to push your baby out, your cervix will be 10 cm dilated and 100 percent effaced.
Resist the temptation to put much stock in these numbers. Cervical changes can help your health care provider determine how difficult it would be to induce your labor, but these numbers can't predict spontaneous labor. You may be dilated to 3 cm for weeks — or you may go into labor without any dilation or effacement at all.
Keep asking questions
You may have plenty of questions as your due date approaches. Is it OK to have sex? How will I know when I'm in labor? What's the best way to manage the pain? Ask away! Also discuss a birthing plan with your health care provider. Feeling prepared can help calm your nerves before delivery.
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