Pregnancy weight gain: What's healthy?

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to pregnancy weight gain. Here's help gaining the right amount of weight.

Like it or not, pregnancy weight gain is inevitable. Your baby's growth and development depend on it. But common sense still rules. Gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy can support your baby's health — and make it easier to shed the extra pounds after delivery.

The guidelines

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to pregnancy weight gain. How much weight you need to gain depends on various factors, including your pre-pregnancy weight and body mass index (BMI). Your health and your baby's health also play a role.

Work with your health care provider to determine what's right for you. Consider these general guidelines for pregnancy weight gain from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists:

Pre-pregnancy weight Recommended weight gain
Underweight 28 to 40 pounds
Normal weight 25 to 35 pounds
Overweight 15 to 25 pounds
Obese At least 15 pounds

If you're carrying twins or triplets, you'll need to gain more weight — often 35 to 45 pounds.

When you're overweight

Although excess weight carries risks — such as gestational diabetes and high blood pressure — pregnancy isn't the time to lose weight. Even women who are overweight should gain some weight during pregnancy.

Of course, it's important to keep an eye on the scale. If you gain more than the recommended amount during pregnancy and fail to lose the weight within six months after giving birth, you may have a higher risk of being obese later.

When you're underweight

If you're underweight, it's essential to gain a reasonable amount of weight while you're pregnant — especially during the second and third trimesters. Without the extra weight, your baby may be born earlier or smaller than expected.

Where does it go?

Let's say your baby weighs in at 7 or 8 pounds. That accounts for some of your pregnancy weight gain. But what about the rest? Here's a sample breakdown:

  • Baby: 7 to 8 pounds
  • Larger breasts: 1 to 3 pounds
  • Larger uterus: 2 pounds
  • Placenta: 1 1/2 pounds
  • Amniotic fluid: 2 pounds
  • Increased blood volume: 3 to 4 pounds
  • Increased fluid volume: 2 to 3 pounds
  • Fat stores: 6 to 8 pounds

Putting on the pounds

In the first trimester, most women don't need to gain much weight — which is good news if you're struggling with morning sickness.

If you start out at a healthy weight, you need to gain only a few pounds in the first few months of pregnancy. You can do this with an extra 150 to 200 calories a day, about the amount in 12 ounces of calcium-fortified orange juice or a serving of low-fat yogurt. A normal appetite will typically provide these calories.

Steady weight gain is more important in the second and third trimesters — especially if you start out at a healthy weight or you're underweight. This often means 3 to 4 pounds a month until delivery. An extra 300 calories a day might be enough to help you meet this goal. If you began your pregnancy underweight, your health care provider may suggest boosting your caloric intake more.

The menu

It would be easy to add calories to your diet with junk food, but this won't give your baby the nutrients he or she needs. It's more important to avoid overeating and make nutrient-rich choices. Consider these suggestions:

  • Trade white bread and pasta for the whole-grain variety.
  • Choose arugula, mustard greens or spinach rather than iceberg lettuce. Better yet, top your salad with soy nuts or black beans and drop the breadsticks or dinner roll.
  • Eat sliced fruit instead of a cookie.
  • Choose juices fortified with calcium and other nutrients.

Working with your health care provider

Your health care provider will keep a close eye on your weight. Do your part by eating healthy foods and keeping your prenatal appointments. To keep your pregnancy weight gain on target, your health care provider may offer suggestions for boosting caloric intake or scaling back as needed.


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