Ovulation signs and symptoms: When am I most fertile?

My husband and I are trying to get pregnant. How can I tell when I'm ovulating? What are the signs and symptoms?

- Kathy / North Dakota

Mayo Clinic obstetrician and gynecologist Roger Harms, M.D., and colleagues answer select questions from readers.


Ovulation signs and symptoms are often subtle. However, the most obvious and reliable predictor of ovulation is an increase in cervical mucus, which results in a clear discharge that has the appearance of raw egg whites. This increase in cervical mucus occurs right before ovulation.

At the time of ovulation, some women may also experience:

  • Mild abdominal cramps (mittelschmerz)
  • Breast tenderness
  • Bloating
  • Increased sex drive

There are other signs and symptoms of ovulation, but these are less obvious, including:

  • Changes in basal body temperature. Ovulation may cause a slight increase in temperature. You will be most fertile during the two to three days before your temperature rises.
  • Hormone surge. Over-the-counter ovulation kits test your urine for a surge in hormones that occurs before ovulation.
  • Changes in the position and firmness of the cervix. An increase in estrogen right before ovulation causes your cervix to rise and soften.

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