You probably didn't bargain for an overdue pregnancy — but it happens. Here's help hanging in there.
Your due date has come and gone — and you're still pregnant. What's going on?
Probably nothing unusual. Although your due date may seem to have magical qualities, it's simply an educated guess about when your baby is most likely to arrive. It's perfectly normal to give birth one to two weeks before — or after — your due date. In fact, your pregnancy must continue two weeks past your due date to earn the official label of overdue pregnancy.
Enough already!
By this point, you're probably tired of being pregnant. Your back may ache, and your ankles may be swollen. You may be struggling with heartburn and varicose veins. You may have trouble sleeping because you simply can't get comfortable — or anxiety about childbirth may keep you awake.
Rest assured, an overdue pregnancy won't last forever. Labor may begin anytime.
Keeping an eye on your pregnancy
As your pregnancy continues, your health care provider will closely monitor you and your baby. He or she may check your cervix to see if it's begun to thin and dilate in preparation for labor. If you're more than one week past your due date, your health care provider may track your baby's heartbeat with an electronic fetal monitor or use ultrasound to observe your baby's movements and measure the amount of amniotic fluid.
Giving baby a nudge
Sometimes, it's better to deliver sooner rather than later — particularly if your health care provider is concerned about your health or your baby's health or your pregnancy continues more than two weeks past your due date.
Why the concern about two weeks? The longer your pregnancy continues, the larger your baby is likely to be — which may complicate a vaginal delivery. In a few cases, aging of the placenta may compromise your baby's ability to thrive in the womb. An overdue baby is also more likely to inhale fecal waste (meconium) during childbirth, which can cause a lung disease.
If you and your health care provider decide to induce your labor, you may be given medication to help your cervix soften and open. If your amniotic sac is still intact, an opening may be created with a thin plastic hook. It doesn't hurt, but you may feel a warm gush of fluid when the sac breaks open.
Often, these steps are accompanied by medication to kick-start your contractions. The most common choice is Pitocin, a synthetic version of oxytocin — a hormone your body produces at low levels throughout pregnancy and in higher levels during active labor. The dosage may be adjusted to regulate the strength and frequency of your contractions.
Hang in there
You're in the homestretch! Whether your health care provider suggests a wait-and-see approach or schedules an induction, do your best to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.
- Accept your emotions. It's OK to feel frustrated or disappointed. You probably didn't bargain for more than 40 weeks of pregnancy.
- Take advantage of the extra time. Sleep in while you can. Put the finishing touches on the nursery. Stock your freezer with extra meals. Address birth announcements and thank you cards.
- Make plans. Your health care provider may want you to stay close to home, but that's no reason to miss a new movie, go out to dinner or take a walk in the park. Don't be afraid to make plans just because you may need to cancel at the last minute.
- Put your answering machine or voice mail to work. To keep well-meaning friends and loved ones up-to-date, consider recording a greeting with the latest on the pregnancy front. "We're patiently waiting for the big day!" may be enough to handle the inquiries that are sure to test your patience.
- Treat home remedies with a dose of caution. A simple Internet search will yield countless results for "natural" ways to trigger labor, such as eating spicy food or having sex. Some tactics are relaxing, others silly — and a few may do more harm than good. Get your health care provider's OK before trying any home remedies, herbal supplements or alternative treatments.
- Stay in touch with your health care provider. You'll need frequent checkups until your baby is born. If you think you're in labor, call your health care provider right away.
Soon you'll hold your baby in your arms — and the long wait will no longer matter.
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